Monday, July 12, 2010

and in more good news

we won a bid on a house!

we started this process of house-hunting as soon as we moved here but didn't think it would all happen so soon. well we found a great house for a great price with a lot of potential, and the best part is {or worst depending on your idea of redoing an entire house} is that all the design and remodeling will be to our tastes and specs! we're very excited to start this process and thanks to all of you who prayed for us. there was a lot of interest in this particular property but the Lord decided it was the right house for us and we couldn't be happier.

now hopefully all of you prayer warriors are demolition warriors as well! best. monday. ever.


  1. Fantabulomucho!
    Sounds like a blastola!
    Are you gonna blog the process? :o)

  2. carrie5:16 PM

    super duper!! so happy for you guys!! Can't wait to help ya paint and decorate:)

  3. tinkhomie11:32 AM

    melissa - of course i will blog the ENTIRE process. there's so much we'll be doing that i'll have to prove it ;) or you guys will never forgive me for the lack of posts around here...
