Saturday, June 05, 2010

craft-along twenty ten: project two FINISHERS!

remember this from oh so long ago? well we had a few finishers, so i figured i should wrap it all up official-style.

here's the finishers, if i miss anyone, PLEASE give me your link and i'll include it:

Andrea from Pie Birds, Buttons and Muddy Puddles made an adorable kitchen version blogged about here. check out her blog for lots of amazing recipes and great kids craft projects. she's a housewife whiz.

Kelly from Kandid Kiwi made a bright summer kitchen version here which i think is so perfect for her california sunshiney life. she also just started a new blog about her quilting adventures here. this girl is ambitious, kudos to her.

and of course, i made my own crafty version here. i loved the folksy print so much that i made it into a makeup pouch for the tinkerwiththis party. hopefully someone else loves it just as much and takes it home with them.

for craft-along project three i was thinking something like this. there are a lot of options for a project like that. i'm even thinking of something along the lines of a sale display for my pendants with just hooks. but think of how inexpensive this could be?! an old sign/plaque from a thrift store, some mod podge, a can of spray paint, dowels from the craft store, patterned paper and some hooks. i think there's a lot we could all do with this, and no sewing required. anyone on board??


  1. maybe. i'm not as motivated for this one, since i'm not a big wearer of jewelry. but the little bit of jewelry i do have, i don't have anywhere to put it. i have to see if how i'm doing with my quilts. :)

  2. janabanana5:20 PM

    Well, I did finish #2 but my photo's are stuck on my fb page since I couldn't get them loaded onto flickr. Oh well.
