Friday, March 26, 2010

when it rains, it freakin' pours

it's been a week. i mean one of those weeks. where you want to fast forward to friday except friday brings a headache and the ramifications of too little sleep. this is day two of no heat, no hot water. i love my apartment, but the building is a dump and the landlord is just slightly shady. so after getting home at 9 pm on wednesday and seeing the notification that the gas had been shut off due to a gas leak, i wasn't the least bit surprised. add a whole bunch of work deadlines to that and the fact that we have our taxes piled up and patiently waiting to be attended to and i've got a full on stressful week/weekend.

the good news is i found my dream home this week! the bad news is it's in CT. the uncommutable part of CT. and it's way too expensive to qualify as a weekend house. oh bummer.

ps: this makes post number 1,001. so i missed that milestone. oops.


  1. daisygirl4:43 PM

    Aw, hope it gets better for you soon!

  2. :( so miserable. fortunately, you get to spend Saturday with ME! :)

  3. Anonymous5:12 PM

    well sad to say but sometimes that's just what being an adult is all about....oh to be kids again with no responsibilities:)Hope it gets better!

  4. carrie6:39 PM

    oh cheri that is miserable, no hot water and heat!! that's a girls nightmare, especially for more than a day!! i hope it gets fixed for you guys soon!!
