Tuesday, March 09, 2010

craft-along twenty ten: project one


ok, so who is definitely with me for this craft-along??

the rules are as follows:

make one camera strap using tutorials:
permanent strap
removable strap
complete said camera strap by april 1st
show off camera strap progress somewhere between now and march 31st
love said camera strap forever

anyone, anyone? i think this is about an hour start to finish, depending on your sewing/ironing ninja skills. as you see i have more than enough scraps to work with. i'm thinking of going with a somewhat monochromatic pink theme but those blues and greens seem to be creeping into my brain as well. any thoughts?

speaking of, i have a box FULL of scraps so if you let me know your general color theme, i can ship out some fabric love this week...just let me know what you need!

{OH and fyi: i'd love to do more of these over the year, if some of you are up for it.}


  1. Kelly, since you're "in??????" and I'm "ummm, do I have to commit????" maybe we can plan some sewing time together. Split the fusible fleece. Egg each other on.
    And, tink...do I have to love said camera strap forever? That's a SERIOUS commitment for me...I couldn't even love a diaper bag for 6 months! :o)

  2. i will make one (removable) similar but probably without the fusible fleece. i was thinking of using the minky fabric for the side along my neck, so it would be nice and soft.

  3. melissa, that's a FANTASTIC idea! i'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Ok, so my friend from Kelly from Kandid Kiwi commented on my blog saying that her friend from tinkerwiththis was doing the very craft I just finished. I'm totally in! I am planning to make a few more "removable" straps since my sewing skills were lacking on my first attempt. YAY!

  5. Heather10:37 AM

    You know I can't sew/craft for beans, but I'd love to pay you for a removable strap if you'd like to make another one. ;) Email if you're interested.

  6. awesome, five people total!! i'm so stoked. i think i'll try to get some work done on it tonight...

    heather - i was planning on making a few so i'll definitely make you one. what color scheme are you looking for??

  7. Heather12:20 PM

    You rock, as always! Greens and Blues would be great- so Pete's not afraid to use it. :)

  8. tinkhomie1:06 PM

    ok, i'll keep it as a-sexual as i can...

  9. Melissa and Kelly, if you'll help me, I'm in. xoxoo

  10. If I can get my sewing machine working, I'm in. That's a big if.
