Friday, March 12, 2010

camera holder part deux


i had this idea come to me yesterday at work and i HAD to make it so i sewed through 'survivor' and had a nifty little holder at the end of the night. the fit is a bit snug, since i didn't calculate for the wrist strap...i might make another one a bit larger later OR just deal with it.



of course, i did skip the gym AND had pizza for dinner (and salad!). oh the sacrifices i make for craft.


  1. I saw the pic in our forum before I saw it here. When I asked for you to make me one, I was going to say, "Yeah, bigger to fit the wrist strap." LOL. Sad that you didn't figure that out for yours! ;)

  2. you used these same fabrics for Maddy's blanket so she's looking at the picture with me now and she says, "Momma! that's Maddy's M blanket!!"

  3. I personally like the loop-d-loop. Nice attention to detail!

  4. carrie9:41 AM

    ohhhh, super cute case!! i lost my case and would be totally interested in buying one from you if you make any extras. me being my uncrafty self prefer others to make cute crafty things for Muawww!!:)
