Monday, November 23, 2009

sorry jennifer

but you're about to feel homesick.

welcome to mystic, CT, one of the most quintessential new england coastal towns. seriously, it's so cute with it's boardwalks and docks and drawbridge. we spent the weekend there for a couple's retreat and it was gorgeous. both friday and saturday we enjoyed great weather and were able to take in the scenery. the husband showed me the house he grew up in, in neighboring niantic and we strolled along crecent beach for a few minutes before heading to the hotel.

the next day we took a couple of new friends on a tour of mystic, with lunch at mystic pizza (mmm, so good) and dessert at mystic drawbridge ice cream (are you homesick yet jen?). we strolled around in the sun until it started to descend and then made our way up to the clinton outlets where i finally found that pair of flannel-lined chinos in my size! sometimes it's hard being this tiny.

the retreat was good for me but felt a little short. i think i need to delve into some reading on my own. i need to learn some things, so i can strive to be the best wife i can be. i think i'll make that into a poster or something. anyway, it was more of a refresher course than anything and just really reminded me that i need to appreciate what i have because it's pretty much awesome.

so if i don't talk to you before thursday, everyone enjoy your thanksgiving and just remember to be thankful for the people in your lives! oh and don't forget to get fat on all that turkey...


  1. (a) I'm thinking that, since you were at a couples retreat and all, that the shadows in Photo #2 should have been holding hands...hmmm...?
    (b) "...don't forget to get fat on all that turkey..." said by she who just paragraphs before mentioned how tough it is being tiny. That's just not right.
    Happy Gorging Day to you, too! And may your new chinos not fit after this weekend. :o)

  2. daisygirl9:45 AM

    Love all the pictures! I just love pictures of boats, and harbors, and the beautiful water. Gorgeous! I'd love to visit the east coast again someday.

  3. um, i think i need to visit mystic. seriously. i've never been to new england.

  4. i already won the title for best wife EVER! i'll send you an update soon.

    thanks for making me homesick!

    kelly, you're missing out! colonial new england is awesome.

  5. carrie8:35 PM

    i can't stop looking at these pics!! they are amazing!!

  6. mgk mom12:55 PM

    is this where they made the movie Mystic Pizza? anyone know?

  7. yep, this is where mystic pizza was taped. we had lunch there! yummm.

  8. Remember our trip to Mystic? I do! I found some great sweaters and couldn't get over the lack of sales tax! I love R.I.

  9. tinka stinka6:13 PM

    haha, silly jana. mystic is in CT. and i don't remember that, were we in mystic village??
