Friday, November 13, 2009

coconut basketball, no dribbling

i've found my weakness. it's a tiny moist chocolate covered coconut macaroon that tastes just like a girl scout cookie and only costs 50 cents. lets see, that's $2.50 a week, $10 a month, $120 a year! aw, man. maybe i should limit my chocolate covered deliciousness to once a week....

oh! and i'm going to my first knicks game tonight. madison square garden here i come...


  1. Sorry Justin! ;-)1:35 PM

    Seeing Madison Square Garden very cool. The Knicks and NBA basketball...not so much.

  2. i remember getting those macaroons! ... fluffy and tiny and oh so delicious. food is awesome only in NYC. i miss it.

  3. tinka stinka11:00 PM

    well the knicks sucked big time! boo knicks!
