Tuesday, October 20, 2009

forgive me

for my absence. it's been a little INsane around here lately. but i did manage time to get a haircut. to some of you this is old news but to others it isn't.

i have a nasty cold (sinus infection?). i hate getting sick so i like to get back at it by telling everyone.

(aren't i scary just staring back at you like that?)


  1. no you're not scary, you're beautiful. is that a jacket? like velour or velvet or something? if so, you know i love it.

  2. carrie8:42 AM

    awww, did CT do you in:( hope you feel better soon!!!

  3. tinkhomie11:16 AM

    ha! it's a black velvet jacket...i love it too.

  4. "...it's a black velvet jacket..." says she who has no cat.
    I would love a black velvet jacket, too.
    Till I brought it home.

  5. nice. let's see the profile.
