Wednesday, September 30, 2009

fall should always be

tweed skirts and leather boots, jean jackets and light scarves. fall should always be chilly mornings and yellow leaves, hot chai and apple cider, sunflowers and apple pie. fall should always be new england towns and empty beaches, pumpkins on porch steps and leaves on cement sidewalks.

this is my fall. what should yours be?


  1. your mom4:04 PM

    fire in the wood stove, the flag on the ducky flag pole blowing in the breeze, and a patchwork quilt of color across the Katahdin Valley... that is what my fall should be.... instead it is sleepless nights, unending worry, sadness and disappointment.....

  2. carrie9:14 PM

    i really like your fall, i think i'll adopt it, except the only thing your missing is those yummy apple cider doughnuts with the cinnamon sugar;)

  3. kristas mom1:04 PM

    leaves changing color, falling and becoming crunchy -- jumping in the piles and then burning them in the street gutters, trick or treating in cold Oct. air then home for hot chocolate and cookies and sorting candy [I'm reverting to childhood], sweater mornings and mild afternoons, walking down quaint main streets and pumpkins with candles shining out of grinning, leering faces.

  4. daisygirl4:30 PM

    Bright flaming red trees, brisk walks in the woods with my family, cuddling in blankets, bonfires, picking apples at the orchard with the kids climbing the trees then baking apple pies and letting them roll out the dough, the smell of burning leaves, the excitement of each tree we see turning colors, anything baked with pumpkin(especially cheesecake), ooh, and pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks and their yummy pumpkin muffins with cream cheese centers.

  5. these days, for me: blooming flowers, warmer winds, longer days, sunshine in the yard, walks around town, getting the grill ready... ah southern hemisphere!
