Monday, May 18, 2009


i realize i've been non-existent for the past, well, week/weekend. but don't worry, i'm still very well and alive. my mother will be happy to hear it, she's rather fond of me.

but seriously. this moving thing is no joke. i know we're getting a killer break on our monthly rent but we are having to sacrifice. the whole weekend was spent cleaning every square inch of the new place. luckily there's not that many. i was hoping to move stuff in over the weekend but it looks like we might have to save that for this week and possibly next week. next friday is our official move date but my goal is to only have bigger empty furniture to move. i want all the rest put away in cabinets or closets or whatever.

in fact, i would love to do a sleep-over SOON. we woke up to jackhammers and sirens this morning. apparently they're expanding the sidewalks on every major corner in brooklyn heights. {and the sirens are a daily occurrence when you live next to a hospital, who's idea was that anyway?} yippee.


  1. your mommy6:15 PM

    Yes, I am rather fond of you. And yes, I have been wondering where you have been... and yes, I assumed you were cleaning like crazy so you could start moving. I guess that makes you the apple that doesn't fall far from the tree. Love you apple...

  2. your mommy also6:16 PM

    P.S. so which building is yours? Pleeeeeese tell me it is not the hunting orange one.....

  3. carrie6:35 PM

    your new place looks so awesome!! can't wait to see it in person!

  4. tinka9:24 PM

    this isn't our place, don't worry. but i'm pretty sure this building is on our street. what? you don't like the orange? i like it....

  5. your mommy9:01 AM

    the orange bldg is like the purple house near the hospital in warwick, a great landmark for directions....but i wouldn't want to live there....;)
    love you....

  6. the purple house! i used to love that old place... i wonder if it's still there...
