Friday, April 24, 2009

in comparison

this picture is so much prettier than i feel. we had some bad mexican food lastnight, but in all honesty it was really fantastic, we're just all paying for it today. i think i'm the worst because i'm the litte-ist, which is funny because i never think of myself as small until times like these. and then i have to remember that a 100 pound body reacts very differently than a 200 pound body. so although my husband was able to get outside and sweat it out today, i have been a prisoner to the couch and the bathroom.

in essence, i really feel like crap. i know that i do need to hydrate but dummy me didn't start doing that until about an hour ago. anything smart i should be doing??


  1. your mommy5:56 PM

    if you have vomited at all, wait 20 minutes before sipping any water and you may want to consider something to replenish electrolytes. And of course, a soft comforter and a fluffy pillow always seem to help me =)

  2. daisygirl5:00 PM

    Hope you are feeling better today-did you get all hydrated again?
