Wednesday, March 11, 2009

good news all around

a friend of ours who was on excruciatingly constrictive bed rest just found out today {at her doctors} that she can return to having a perfectly normal pregnancy! this is such a huge HUGE answer to prayer. i'm really excited for her, so i wanted to share the good news. and she's having twins!!

in other slightly good news, it looks as if finding a new apartment may be easier than we think! keep praying though, since we really really want to lower our monthly expenses AND perhaps {if it's not asking TOO much} get a bigger place.

and i'm so glad everyone's getting their packages i mailed out. even the one headed for new zealand should be arriving any day now!

this gloomy rainy day is getting sunnier by the minute...


  1. Anonymous5:44 PM

    i'm soooooo excited for her!! it's a miraculous answer to prayer, and we'll be praying for a less costly 2 bedroom place for you guys!:)

  2. Anonymous12:19 AM

    How you gonna manage more space for less cost out there? that would be a miraculous answer to prayer, no? good thing God can do it. I hope it happens. Will you be apartment hopping often?

  3. One can only assume that you are being crafty and creative when thinking of those twinlets. Pretty please will you share your wares with us when the day arrives? I always love to see what you've made. And then I pretend that I might actually make something similar one day. :o)
    I'll be praying for God to direct your steps as you guys hunt for new digs!

  4. when are you going to have twins?

    i'll let you know when the box gets here...
