Thursday, March 19, 2009

dear mom - this is how you wear your pashmina

(i wear mine primarily as the third option, but mostly because it's nice and warm to have all that material snug against your neck and chin.)

in other news, i apologize that there hasn't been much to talk about. I've been slowly easing out of winter, no thanks to the gloomy cold day today. I'm ready for summer, but then again, who's not. and we have an invitation for easter back home in syracuse and although i can't wait to go, i know it'll be close to 30ยบ and probably snowing.

the city's starting to come alive too. more and more people are walking about, tourists are walking slower and the film industry is starting to park it's trailers everywhere. just yesterday i saw jay mohr, the guy from gary unmarried. you'd know him if you saw him.

and here's the other thing, i've been sucked into the twilight series. it's all fun and games until someone loses their soul...muwahahaa. anyway, it's been fun even if the books aren't THAT great. i was able to spend the night joking and laughing with some girls from work. it's been a while since i've had a girl's night that didn't involve driving or flying somewhere, so it was fantastic to say the least. and i'm quite proud of my growing knowledge of the public transportation system. i'm feeling more and more at home here every day. we may not choose to live here for the rest of our lives but it's nice to know we could.

currently reading: eclipse
currently listening to: priscilla ahn


  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Thank you honey, I like the way all three look. And the color you have on bring out the green in your eyes... We are headed for a few cold days in the near future so I will have the chance to try it out. Enjoyed the impromptu (?) phone call yesterday... you can do that again anytime=). Love you.

  2. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I'm with you on wanting spring! Took the kids on a walk to the park, but it was colder than I thought, and the park is still buried under snow! Ugh.

  3. Anonymous5:32 PM

    you have no hair....

  4. is that a RL or street vendor scarf? (i prefer the street vendor ones!)

  5. Anonymous8:54 AM

    How long are you in town for? We'd love to see you both!

  6. In England, they mostly wore them in Way Number One...even layering two or three, depending on how cold it was (or how long their necks were!). I usually wear mine in Way Number Three also, but sometimes revert to the British way. :o)
    Hope Spring comes your way soon!
