Monday, March 02, 2009

call me back in june

by far this is the biggest storm we've gotten this winter. and i'm ok with that, because this is kiddy stuff compared to the snow pit they call upstate ny. BUT a lot of the city was quiet this morning, the majority of commuters deciding to sit this one out, although the trains are surprisingly efficient in inclement weather. i was somewhat impressed.

today would be a perfect day to sit inside, drink hot cocoa and play wii! (hey, maybe i don't like the reliable mass transit after all...)


  1. Wanna come visit? We're supposed to hit 70* and have sunshine all week. I'd sure wouldn't want your Florida tan to fade. :o)

  2. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Is that your street?

  3. dude, we ate lunch outside yesterday, and played in the california sun. today is a different story, but still better than that!

  4. i love NYC snow... for about 15 minutes, then it turns black and melts and creates 8 inch deep freezing cold puddles that really really REALLY suck to step in.
