Monday, January 26, 2009

he has great taste

the husband is good at finding quality. he has a built-in radar. must be why he married me...{har har}

we went to a daffy's this weekend in SOHO {great area for shopping btw, less crowded than the more touristy midtown or union square and biger loft-style shops}. anyway, the man digs through racks of gloves priced between ten and thirty dollars and finds THE ONE fifty dollar pair. which he loves. and buys. and what does this have to do with the boots you ask? well, he found me these and i was in love. soft flexible suede and rustic-looking leather, brass plate heels, and on top of it all they're incredibly soft and surprisingly comfortable.

i love his radar. and i love when he's willing to go shopping with me.


  1. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I'm impressed! Danny can only last maybe thirty minutes shopping-even in Toys-R-Us! You are a blessed woman.

  2. i hated daffy's for forever until i went to the one down soho... i was always going to the one in union square and it sucked! but the tjmaxx on 6th never failed me not once. i think it might have gone bankrupt after i left...
