Thursday, January 15, 2009

calling all readers

not just readers of this blog, but readers of this blog who are avid readers. get it? so i went to barnes and nobles lastnight and spent 17 dollars on two books! two! ok, so one of them was this little-known facts about nyc books which i thought was mesmerizing and just had to have, but the other one was in desperation since i ran out of good previously donated books and needed something to read on the train.

so here's my request for you. give me something good to read!! seriously, if you have anything excellent that you'd be willing to pass along, email me at and a big thanks ahead of time. and i'm not picky either, if you liked it, i'll read it!

also, if you want me to return it, just include a note with your address...i know i know, i could just go to the library, but then there's this whole sea of books and i trust that you guys have stellar taste so i can avoid hours of picking out my favorite cover art.

and did you know to offset the cost of the brooklyn bridge, they originally rented out the storage areas underneath? mostly as wine cellars because of the moisture or something. which is interesting to me, since every time we drive by the boarded up underneaths of the bridge i always wonder what's in there!


  1. i think you should post a little-known fact about nyc every day!

  2. know books are right up my ally.

    You like Nicolas Sparks, right? You may also like Nicolas Evans.

    If you're looking for quick, engrossing books, you cannot go wrong with the Alex Cross series by James Patterson. Read 'em in order.

    Another fun series is the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Skip the first book and read the rest. Warning- you'll laugh out loud on the subway. ;)

    Other good chick lit authors are Jane Green, Jennifer Weiner, Meg Cabot and Jennifer Crusie.

    Let me know if you need more..I could keep going! :)

  3. you need to visit the strand downtown... that place is the main reason we have 30 boxes of books at my parents storage and 30 boxes of books in LA storage. while you're there, pick me up a new bag... i have one that says 8 miles of books but apparently it's 18 miles of books now....

  4. Anonymous6:36 PM

    hey sweetie did you see anything of that plane crash/????

  5. okay, any and all of the 'diaries' by amanda grange. she writes all of the jane austen novels from the man's point of view. they are excellent!
