Sunday, November 23, 2008

some crafting goodness

so i've been working all weekend on building up my inventory for the upcoming sale, but along the way i needed to get a couple of projects done for my apartment and myself. since the futon stay-put tabs are a bit of a snoozer, i'll show you my new messenger bag.

i fell in love with this plaid from the thrift shop across the street and they just happened to have a complimentary canvas bolt, all in all i spent about ten dollars on the materials. and nothing went to waste. i used the fringe edges of the plaid to create the trimming for all the pockets. and oh the pockets. there's the one for my mini-wallet, my metrocard, my reading material and my sunglasses along with some miscellaneous pockets thrown in there for good measure. oh and there's a leather bottom. the husband's not normally impressed with all my crafting ventures but he seriously didn't believe me when i said i made this bag. and if it impresses him {the man who never lies to make people feel better} then i'm proud of my handy work.

now, back to more laundry and general cleaning in preparation for our guests this week!


  1. That's seriously amazing. Nice work! I love it. I'd totally mug you on the subway just to steal the bag.

  2. Oh wow - what great work! <3

  3. has RL seen your skillz yet? i mean, they do have a bag line....
