Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the results are in

The bride loves them! All of them! This is a huge relief to me. It's like you can work really hard on something, put your heart into it, but until someone gives it the seal of approval, it doesn't even exist.

Oh and, still sick, still bored. I can't take another day of this, but from what I understand, a lot of other people are under the weather as well.


  1. Yay! I figured she would like them, but I know it's still nice for YOU to have the affirmation. Good work! I want to see them alllll!

  2. i love that ben is like the only one looking at the camera. :)

    oh, and of course she loves them! how could she not?!

  3. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I'll bet that you sometimes just sit there, stare at your screen and "oooo" and "ahhh" over the blog you've created, huh? Sinner.

  4. when's your next photo shoot?!! lol!

  5. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Hey look, Ben Mayhugh was a groomsman. I know him!

  6. Anonymous9:28 AM

    i'm so glad she loved them. you're so awesome!! Now i can't wait to see all of them! Ben's highly interested in the tank one:)

    p.s. i hope you feel better soon, if it makes you feel any better, i feel like crap today to!!

  7. Anonymous10:31 AM

    barrack obama made it to the wedding?
