Sunday, October 19, 2008

hot water + fresh lemon juice + honey

A trick to soothing your throat and keeping your voice from sounding like an 80 year old smokers.

Feeling a bit under the weather but I managed to spend most of the weekend outdoors in the crisp fall air. I know I know, it sounds ridiculous, but it's the only thing that seemed to make me feel better. Oh and it's pretty handy to walk only a couple of blocks when you're feeling lousy and need some meds.

A trick I learned this weekend: 'No Pudge' fudge brownie mix made with raspberry soy yogurt is ABSOLUTELY delicious. And although I didn't get to make an apple pie this weekend, the brownies more than made up for it.


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Thanks, now I want brownies, but everything is packed and I have nothing to bake them in.

  2. okay. recipe, please!

  3. Anonymous3:02 PM


    go buy "no pudge" fudge brownie mix. follow instructions, except when it calls for vanilla yogurt, use raspberry. the end. enjoy!

  4. i miss no pudge way more than i thought i would...

  5. hey, that hot lemon and honey thing-- I've done that my whole life. it really works! My four year old hates it, but its one of the only things that keeps her from hacking her head clean off. She's a violent cougher. Coughed so hard the other day that she puked up her chicken noodle soup...on my new couch. grrr.

  6. No Pudge Brownies are awesome. I love that you can make a single serving!

  7. Anonymous6:10 AM

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  8. Anonymous5:19 AM

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