Tuesday, September 02, 2008

ghetto fab

this is the hair i *think* i want. i want curl but not like a deep fried potato and i want wave but not so little that i waste my dinero. basically i want sexy just stepped off a horse hair. at least that's what the stylist said.

so i'll either be giddy on friday night or i'll be hugging my straightening iron in the fetal position in the corner of my tiny bathroom with the checkered floor wishing i looked half as good as charlize.

in other news, i'm busy as a weak new orleans levee. not enough time to breathe forget make a fabulous dinner or clean house. and you better appreciate this thread, i looked up two words just to get the spelling right....


  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    I so think that will be amazing. Can't wait to see how it turns out. ps-- are you getting a perm, or something else?

  2. i have sexy just changed a million poopy diapers hair today.

  3. But Jen, I thought she was pooping in the potty already? :o)
    And Tink, your hair will look fantabulous, I'm sure. Fret not mon amie.

  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    wow, i like! hope it comes out just like that. getting it highlighted too?

  5. thanks for the labels! my products are listed in my etsy shop!!!
