Thursday, September 25, 2008

blood-gushing heart-stopping amazement

look, it's david blaine doing an interview while hanging upside down, at least 6 feet from the ground! it's amazing!! he's upside down!! what an amazing feat of upsidedown-ness. how does he do it? amazing folks, incredibly amazing.

(if you look past him - under the bridge you'll see where i eat my lunch most days...)


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    i hope you are being sarcastic

  2. Did you see Triumph the insult comic dog there? that was the only interesting and entertaining part to this stunt.

  3. hey that lunch spot looks familiar. Every time my girls watch Giselle and Robert walk past there, they get all excited that i ate lunch IN THAT VERY SPOT (and don't act like you don't know who Giselle and Robert are).

  4. Anonymous5:29 PM

    i have no idea who you're talking about....
