Wednesday, August 06, 2008

balloon animals are cool again

when they're gigantic.

so i'm here, halfway through my first work week. woohoo. well i have lots of stuff to catch up on, and no time right now, but i promise to try my hardest and keep this blog happy and cool and updated. often. i don't know how i'll do that when i'm gone every day from 8 to 7...

this is a shot from last week when jen and baby maddy came to visit! while daddy was off studying paintings, we were discovering that the MET has a way cool roof deck. with giant metal balloon animal structures atop it! i also offered to take a photo for some visitors in front of a giant balloon heart and it just happened to be their 20th anniversary, how cool is that? or 30th. i can't remember...

as you can see baby maddy was way into nyc. she slept across the brooklyn bridge, she slept in the subway, she slept in the MET, she's so adorable. and heavy.

alright, off to grab all the stuff i want to bring into the office tomorrow, cheers!


  1. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Jeff Koons is the creator of the big metal balloon dog. Jeff has an exhibit coming up in Sept at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. I which I had thought of something this simple.

  2. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Carter pretty much falls asleep in his snuggly too, but he's pretty light. I love those chubby arms of Maddy's! I keep trying to fatten up Carter-to no avail.

  3. don't forget to stop at central perk and catch up with all your friends.

  4. Congrats on the new job!! :)

  5. i'm back online! these pics from nyc are great!

  6. Jeff Koons rules! If you ever use IGoogle you can have a Jeff Koons theme so you can see big metal balloons all day long in your background. :) Congrads on the job

  7. Anonymous1:37 PM

    your job doesn't leave you enough time to blog!!!! i miss you.
