Monday, July 21, 2008

freebie week

cause i'm just feeli' happy this week will be full of freebies.

i got to spend time with me mum. so in order to win this stellar little keyfob which no city girl should be without (and which is made with cute japanese embroidered ribbon from m&j trimming) just comment what you love about your mum.... seriously, it's so simple to find my keys floating in my oversized carry-it-all bag...

ps: happy 7th anniversary to us. yay!


  1. I love how I grow up more I become more like my mother. I find it a true compliment when older relatives mistake me for her! She is the strongest person I have ever known and I hope to be more like her as the years go by.
    Jaimie, NJ

  2. I love that my grandma became a mom again for me! She has already raised her child, but when I needed a mom, she started over and raised a little girl in her retirement years. Things didn't always go smoothly- but I knew I was safe and loved.

  3. Our anniversary (7) too. Wow seems like yesterday right!?
    You guys doing anything special? I do not even think Ora remembers. I didn't want to remind him cause I want to make a great dinner tonight... with all my luck he will be so late it will all be cold. Ha! So we have gotten into country music lately and he came across "Johnny's Daddy". He had a story to go with it that had to do with your hubby, see if he remembers...

  4. Ps. Happy Anniversary!

  5. Anonymous12:56 PM

    My mom is very giving and sweet!
    She loves the cute little etsy tissue holder I got for her! Go tinker.........:)

  6. OMGosh. Totally cute. I want it. lol.

  7. My Ma always supports my decisions.

    Happy anniversary!

  8. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a great time celebrating!

    And why do I like my mum? Hmmm, because she taught me how to play scrabble...! =)


  9. was Monday ur anniversary? Happy anniversary! hope i didnt interrupt anything ;) ;)

  10. I love my mom because she instilled in me to never change who I am for anyone - to always be myself. My house growing up was filled with laughter. If I played a joke on my mom, she would laugh and show me what I could do to make it even better next time. And she flew on a plane with me on her birthday so I could be in your wedding. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

  11. I love that I grew up watching my mom sew, craft, and knit and today it has become an integral part of who I am. Her creativity is contagious!

  12. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I love how my mom makes being a superMom look easy. The older I get and the more kids I have, the more I appreciate all she did for us four kids. She always had time for us, or made time(and she made awesome cookies). I love that I can talk to her anytime for an hour, and she still makes the time for me. I look up to her in so many ways.

  13. my mom is the strongest woman i know.

  14. My mom is the best bargain shopper ever! She taught me everything she knows :)
