Monday, May 05, 2008

don't walk away

tulips02.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

i seriously have to rethink 'city shoes'. i'm already giving birth to two nasty whiny redheaded blisters and i haven't walked more than a mile... unfortunately i only have about five pair to choose from, so i may need to limit my walking for a month or so. in the meantime, i'll have to walk slowly back home to avoid inflicting more damage.

i can't say that this is a difficuly move thus far. ask me again when the rent's due and i have a steady routine. but for the time being i took a break from the mod sterile apartment and i'm currently staring at the manhattan skyline. it's a beautiful sunny day, and besides the monster blisters, i'm rather enjoying myself.

i took a few pictures of the area to show my mother-in-law. i don't think she believes that we really live in a nice area in nyc. i don't think she believes such places exist. so along the next few days i'll have some eye candy for you.

*ps: for those of you who actually called your mother to wish them a happy mothers day yesterday, it's not until next sunday...

1 comment:

  1. i love the new header!!! (hint hint)
    it'll be my first mother's day, are you going to call me?
