Monday, January 07, 2008

sit up straight!

IMG_0256_flower.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

it feels like spring, no?

busy busy over here. more people looking at the house, more boxes ready for storage and more clothes and shoes donated to happy loving friends! potential buyer for the subaru and oh yeah, i have scoliosis. so it's frequent visits to the chiropractor for the next month or so. in the meantime, there'll be less bending over the sewing machine for me. too bad i just ordered 'bend the rules sewing'. ironic, don't you think?


  1. bend it like beckham.

    mmmm david beckham.

  2. Anonymous3:07 PM

    did you dr tell you that you have scoliosis or was it the chiropractor?? If the latter.... confirm it with your dr before he touches your spine. Take it from the voice of experience!

  3. Anonymous3:09 PM

    your duh!

    still love you

  4. Anonymous3:42 PM

    i saw the xrays. it's definately wrong. where it should curve, it's straight and where it's should be straight it curves. it's all messed up.

  5. Anonymous4:00 PM

    i would love to meet tinker's mom, just for kicks, like, emailing or something! :)

  6. My brother-in-law is a chiropractor. My spine used to be a mess and I had a lot of health issues. I have been seeing him once a week for the last few years, and it has helped immensely! I no longer have menstrual cramps, allergies, or rheumatoid arthritis-all of which were becoming severe. My kids have both been adjusted since they were hours old, and continue adjustments every week. They rarely get sick at all, and when they do it is extremely mild. Just a little shameless plug for the chiro-definitely go, go, go!

  7. Dude. I have that too. Wait till you have a baby and then one hip will be 2 inches higher than the other. I'll be a hunchback by the time I'm 40.

    Oh...and did someone say David Beckham. *pants, then faints*

  8. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Tink sweetie,
    you can give Krista's mom my email address. Then we can conspire against all you "Mini-me's" out there.....muwaah....muwaah

    =:P mom

  9. Anonymous11:59 AM

    oooo! thanks, tinks mom! love to conspire by the fire! don't you just love our wonderful, talented, funny girls???

  10. Anonymous1:08 PM

    what exactly is scoliosis anyway? we need a med blog!
