Friday, January 11, 2008

left right, left right, delurk, delurk, left right....

well a fun little fact i discovered over at galloping cows today: january 10th is official delurker day! oh crap, today's the 11th.

well anyway, delurk lurkers, show your face, leave a comment! or i'll be forced to call you mean and nasty names....

ok, not really, but all the newbies will be entered to win a set of earrings for the big V-day! just let me know if it's your first time commenting and what you like/ dislike about the blog...good luck and happy delurking...


  1. Anonymous3:02 PM

    well I am an anonymous lurker and I all ready left my comment on a post from 10/12 of 2007. no prize entry will be necessary.

  2. Anonymous3:39 PM

    what? who doesn't want to win free stuff! you're officially entered as 'anonymous lurker'.

  3. off i go to read the comment.... the suspense kills...

  4. Anonymous4:37 PM

    interesting. i really need to turn on the 'e-mail me new comments' feature....

    if the lurker i think is lurking here is actually here, then it's good to see you around. i have missed you. i hope all things are well and happy in your life.

  5. Anonymous5:05 PM

    ummm I'm not sure who you think is lurking but I don't think it's who you think it is from what you said.

  6. Anonymous5:11 PM

    well whomever is lurking, i wish them all the best!

  7. Anonymous7:32 PM

    i read your blog for like almost a year before i commented. But i still lurk when i'm busy and forget to comment. :/

  8. Ooh, good ploy! Trick us into delurking by offering a prize. Crafty. And look how good it's working! (I heart mysteries).

  9. Anonymous9:41 PM

    my hot almost naked bod was posted on 9/8 of 2004. no prize entry will be necessary for me either.

  10. I must confess I'm a lurker. I found your blog through Kandid Kiwi's. I love all of your crafty things, they make me happy, one day I will have to purchase some:o)

  11. Anonymous11:10 AM

    i ALWAYS read your blog, dahling, and thanks for the link to galloping cows, which was also fascinating...that one will take me weeks to read... i love to lurk

  12. Anonymous11:11 AM

    p.s. who's the winner for read the red???
