Thursday, December 06, 2007

it's a typical situation

house_snow.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

i can't say that i'll miss all of this.

a shop update, filling some custom orders and more pendants/earrings {including 'hippo love', flippin sweet} to come this week. they seem to be the easiest thing to make when i'm just sitting there relaxing with the husband. i also finished a couple of christmas gifts lastnight along with revamping my old sad eye-pillow with some bright and happy amy butler fabric. i was running too late this morning to take a photo, but trust me, it's swell.

and thanks to all the crafty swap participants! i've gotten 4 of 5 packages and they couldn't be awesomer. janet sent the coolest cherry embroidered ribbon which i cannot wait to use, some cool little tiny floral beads from canuck carly, sweet paper from kiwi and awesome vintage fabric from kareesta. muchos gracias ladies!


  1. getting new craft stuff really helps put you in the mood to make new stuff! I go to my mailbox in anticipation every day!

  2. I love the new Christmasey look on the blog. So, when are we going to find out who wins the contest?

    We even got snow here in Delaware--almost 4 inches. Which is a big deal for us this early in the year!

  3. it's look about the same here with the last snowfall from last nite!

  4. Anonymous2:19 PM

    you know, it still snows in NYC... it's just not as pretty as is it where you are now... as soon as it hits the pavement it either a) turns black or b) melts into gigantic puddles abut 8 ft deep which are super super fun to step into on your way to work.
