Monday, December 17, 2007

christmas cheer

me_deb_laura.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

and an excuse to wear a good sarahjessicaparker/target outfit!

here i am in my christmasy get-up with a couple of coworkers. the party was great and the food was stellar but the DJ rocked my eardrums so bad i had to ditch early. this must be what it's like to get old.

the weekend was filled with lots of snow {almost 2 feet suckas!}, cancellations {no christmas play, boo} and movies! 'Reign over me' was an excellent movie, i highly recommend it. it came and went last year and i've been waiting to see it ever since, so i'm glad we ditched spidey 3 for reign. also watched Waking Ned Divine and The Flying Scottsman, both good in their own ways....


  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    finally a smile from you! hurray! you're making progress!

  2. Although, you'd think you could touch up the red eye with all your super power skills. =)
