Tuesday, October 23, 2007

swap ideas: part nine hundred seventy two

think of this as one of those locked-down suggestion boxes hidden in the way-back corner of your local walmart. except that there is no box. this isn't walmart. and everyone can see what you suggest. and if i had a suggestion box, i wouldn't hide it in a corner. unless i sucked. like walmart.

and of course, the chosen suggestion wins a pa rize. something sweet and cute i've been working up in my head....

and something fun to tell you about tomorrow. you'll all be uber-proud. seriously.


  1. Coffee mug. Tea. Worst picture evah. Hello kitty goody. Japanese candy.

  2. Anonymous6:48 PM

    a diary swap! ok this obviously works best with just two people but it could be fun with a few more peeps... cheri (or someone of equally amazing artistic talent) can make small little cute books (remember those little notepads?) something small and cheap... one for each person participating. then pass em around! everyone shares a story or a poem or a funnily drawn picture (that would be from me) say a few pages for each person. at the end the book gets back to the designated person and voila!
    i don't know if this would really work but i love writing in my diary and i love writing letters to people and combining the two just sounds fun.... someone can expound on this idea if they want, but i get the prize! heehee

  3. i always like the idea of a deep and productive purge. i hold on to left-over craft supplies thinking i'll use them, but i don't use leftovers as much as i would like to think i do. and i hate wasting. soooo... little bundles of fabric, ribbons, buttons, yarns, silk flowers etc. someone else will use them, so i don't feel they are going to waste, and i get all new items to work with. if someone doesn't sew, then something more in their field would work, too. my creative mouth is already watering, so to speak.

  4. how about a 'fill a need' swap. everyone involved submits a need. we're not talking 'grandma's surjery', but rather 'i'm redecorating, and these are my colors'. 'i need some fat quarters in calico'. 'all my potholders are scorched'. 'i need lace'. i don't know, i'm just throwing ideas out there. there is a preset spending limit and we just do our best to gift on each other and fill a need in the process.

  5. surgery. sorry, early.

  6. we are all from different parts of the country or the continent. how about small packages of items only from your region. if you're in vermont, some maple candy and a ben & jerry's magnet. if you're in ohio, maybe some actual buckeyes. (don't eat them, they're toxic) florida, a seashell... maybe some pictures of your state's landmarks or beautiful sights. something to make us feel we've been somewhere and it'll connect us all a little more.

  7. one more. a t-shirt swap. you know, like those slogan, novelty t-shirts we all love. tink can match us in pairs according to size so we're not sending out 6 t-shirts. just one. or some other piece of clothing would work, too.

  8. how about tink just sends us all greta bags. that sounds like a great idea. that was the caffeine talking.

  9. how about beads? some assorted glass, stone, wooden beads.

  10. a weird toy swap? i love weird toys. like my james dean doll.

  11. dish towel swap? i love dish towels.

  12. i don't really have any good ideas.

  13. I don't have any ideas, yet, but really enjoyed reading MG Kitsch's idea after idea after idea...after idea. :o)

    S'pose what about swappin' CDs? We could submit a list of ones we want to purge, and folks could say which one(s) they wanted?

  14. Anonymous10:14 AM

    i think you have good intentions, but the cd's might be like the magazine swap idea. do we really have any we want to get rid of that someone else could possibly want? i mean, mine consist of a couple collective soul and gin blossoms, but not the hit songs.

  15. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I love kitchen towels too and the weird toy swap, u girls have some great ideas.

  16. Anonymous9:50 PM

    instead of kitchen towels, how about exchanging funky vintage pin-up style aprons. i don't know if that made sense, but i can totally picture it in my head.
