Friday, October 26, 2007

holy green batgirl

me_curlyhead.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

ok, who's sick of looking at me? ha. don't all answer at once.

so who's digging the curls? i'm not sure now that i see this picture. besides making my eyes look ha-yuge, i think i look weird. or maybe just different i guess. which may or may not be a good thing. but the hair is long enough to curl. which is in and of itself, ha-yuge. {i noticed i wear a lot of brown in the fall.}

happy friday.


  1. Nice hair. How long are you going to let it get?

  2. Well you know I'm gonna say I lurve the curls.

  3. Anonymous7:04 PM

    The curls are adorable!

  4. How many times do I have to say it, love the curls

  5. Anonymous1:53 PM

    sick of lookin' at ya!!

  6. Anonymous1:54 PM

    you go curly and i'll go uber-short. watch out posh, it's your shorter, averagely shaped doppelganger!
