Tuesday, October 02, 2007

heaven has an organized work space

ikea_kitchen.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

so i had this incredible before shot to show the obvious improvement of my kitchen space thanks to this addition from ikea. but alas, i think it was sacrificed from the memory card in nyc for a more memory making picture. {how does one fill up 3GB worth of space exactly?}

anyway, previous to this was a nifty bakers rack from target that i loved since our wedding, BUT it stressed me out. just being able to see all the mismatched bowls and pans and never having enough counter space to work with. so everything, and i mean everything from silverware to spaghetti pots fit in these three drawers. genius. AND the counter space is heaven. i can make an apple pie AND an entire lasagna without EVER having to leave that red rug.

my kitchen time has been revolutionized. those swedish people are so smart.


  1. snifff!!!
    smells like about $500. nice. can someone come throw away all my junk?

  2. ps. good thing you keep the nyquil so accessible. very important.

  3. Anonymous11:36 AM

    it is right now with j being sick! i'm practically shoving it down his throat just so i can get some sleep...

  4. i think you should drink it to get some sleep and put him on the couch! oh, i'm kidding.

  5. I knew it was Ikea before I read the comments-I think I have the catalog memorized. My house would be bare without that store!

  6. Anonymous4:27 PM

    boy, you guys are good. it's actually an island in the catalog but we're keeping it against the wall. i wish we had an ikea closer, like say the distance from orlando to krista's front door.

  7. oooh I need that for my kitchen. I have very little counter space.

  8. Where is the closest Ikea to you? Ours is on the west end of town so it's about a 25-30 min. drive since we live on the east side of Ottawa.

  9. Anonymous7:41 PM

    your picture makes it look like a doctor's office... add some kitchen-y stuff to it or make the drawers look less sterile or something... it's creeping me out. a bowl of apples perhaps?
