Wednesday, October 10, 2007

goodbye sweet summer love

peeptoes.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

it's almost over. this thing called indian summer. starting tomorrow temps will dip, sweaters will come out of hiding and the crisp mornings will nip at our bare ears and necks.

and honestly, i'm ready for all of that. i have new socks that want to be worn, a warm wool hat, boots aching to see the light of day and a shiny new camera {good call sara} tucked in my bag to catch the sun streaming across pools of orange leaves as i walk to work.


  1. I need a new hat. Something cute-and cheap. I'm probably going to need it really soon up here. At least it was beautiful for Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday-which we spent in Buffalo, probably driving right by you in Syracuse on our way home.

  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    you know, i DO like visitors....

    got my cheap cute hat at tjmaxx for ten bucks. do they have those across the border?

  3. No TJ Maxx unfortunately. But my sister in law and I might take a shopping trip to Syracuse one of these days-it's only 3 hours from here. And with the Canadian dollar being on par with the US dollar it will be a lot cheaper to buy in the US. We'd like to spend a day without the kids, but don't know when it'll happen! Maybe after the baby comes, but then I'll have the baby with me. Newborns are easier to shop with than toddlers though!

  4. save some leaves for me.

  5. i will come visit you.

    :) mwahahahaha.

  6. Anonymous7:17 PM

    LOVE LOVE LOVE those shoes!!!!
