Thursday, August 16, 2007

you will be sorry when i'm big

COUSIN JEN: what is up with that wonky baby toe of yours?
hey! i have ugly feet. i'm well aware.

DAISYGIRL: How long have you had a store on etsy and how did you get the idea to have one?
actually, i told krista to start one to save money for our girl's trip last year, but then i thought, why shouldn't i sell stuff too?? so a couple of weeks later i opened my shop and thanks to all my lovely supporters it's been a grand experience.
Oh yeah, what did you end up doing with the in-laws last weekend?
honestly, we hung around much of the time. one day we spent by the lake, the rest we watched movies and went shopping and ate out. good times.
How did you come up with the name tinkerwiththis? Did it hit you like some epiphany at three in the morning?
not really. i just wanted something that said a bit about me and had some attitude. so it's my nickname plus a little jab. like, i dare you. to mess with this. that kind of thing.

STARSPRY: Where does your inspiration come from to make such great stuff?
from everywhere! it's inspiring to read all the blogs or surf etsy and see what other people are trying. in fact, i saw that patchwork belt on someone's blog and thought it would be fun to try.

what size shoe do you wear? 7
when are you going to make a baby so that other people on the airplane can hate you for having a screaming kid? never.
what do you want for your birthday? (don't think we don't know.) a puppy.
what is the weather like today? today? or the day you asked me?
do you floss first, or brush first?
i hate flossing, but if i do it's floss, then brush.
do you like onions? sometimes.
how about garlic? i think i'm allergic.
i'm tired now. me too.


  1. aren't you glad i asked.

  2. Anonymous1:42 PM

    you don't have ugly feet, just a wonky toe!

  3. So what does Krista sell?

  4. no one buys my stuff, mainly yarn based items, knit hats and cool fluffy necklaces. tink, still waiting for a pic of you wearing yours.

    finished my wand!!!!!!!!!!!!!
