Thursday, August 02, 2007

sewing like a pro 101

okay so lastnight at walmart {egads yes, i shop at walmart BUT they have goats milk which my husband and our trusty cat that's not really our cat loves.} i picked up a couple of PATTERNS! yes, it's time to branch out in the sewing realm and attempt clothes. really cute summery clothes. {and some fun baby stuff for all you prego ladies.} i just keep seeing all these sewing blogs showing off their goods and i'm in love. to make something you can wear? unbelievable. i did make a skirt a while ago but by my lack of photo shoot, you'ld realize i'm ashamed at my attempt.

another online inspiration is the flickr in-stitches group started {yes?} by kelli over at african kelli {must change your misspelled name in my sorry!}. i love the creativity of these people. oh, and did i mention In-Stiches by amy butler is the ONLY sewing book i own. seriously. i need in on this sew-along....

so this weekend i plan to make use of my fabric stash and new patterns and hopefully have something photo-worthy to show you next week. and a mother-in-law gretta to finish for her arrival next weekend. wahoo. she's always so fun to spend time with, i guess i lucked out that way.

wish me luck!


  1. Nice banner. Love the skulls. I have one of those in felt hanging on my knitting bag...bow and all.

  2. I buy goat milk every week. It is for the baby though, although she's not really a baby anymore-17months. I did a lot of research, and goat milk half with water is as close to breast milk as you can get-a lot healthier than any formula. So when I needed to suppliment or after they weened, I have always given them goat milk. Just a little tidbit for all the mommies or soon-to-be mommies out there.

  3. Luck wished. You'll rock it! :) And I shop at Walmart on occasion too. We all do.
