Thursday, August 30, 2007

paint it black

paintitblack.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

so our newest adventure as a married couple just trying to cover our nut is an investment property. my husband and a partner bought a property about 3 weeks ago and ever since our lives have been filled with work! it's not so bad, right now it's a mess just because two apartments opened up and we're trying to get them re-rented asap. SO. my week has been insane. sunday we cleaned like i said before {roaches, yuck} and then tues it was back for cleaning and lastnight painting. and i've been fighting off a cold {thanks to sheer exhaustion and stress i'm sure} since sunday. these late late nights are NOT helping.

also not helping: getting home late only to pull up the sewing machine and try desperately to finish my 'block island' bag. it's about done, one or two more stitches and a tiny bit of hand sewing. now to find the time to finish it between now and leaving for the c.t. tomorrow at 6pm...

{oh, and must get my current mullet cut off before holiday weekend...}


  1. And I thought you were just trying to make a fashion statement with your tank. Silly me.

  2. i too, thought you had made that distressed tee. hahahaha! bad mullet!
