Monday, July 30, 2007

it's a wonderful life

tinker_earrings.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

this weekend was fantastic. the weather cooperated, so i picked some blueberries {blueberry crisp, yum..} and got a sunburn yesterday. finished three grettas on saturday! two are in the shop, one i'm waiting on a reserve conformation...we shall see. that one may be up for sale as well. check them out, i'm loving red right now and it shows...BUT the cutest thing i thought i made this weekend was these. adorable little tiny polka dotted earrings. aren't they awesome? they're only 3/8ths of an inch so they're pretty petite looking. i like these that i had seen on other etsy sites but they were all too honking for my ears so i think these are perfect...yay.

hope everyone else had a perfect weekend!


  1. All last week was good for me-we were on vacation at a cottage on a lake-gorgeous! The weekend? A huge letdown having to come back to reality! Not to mention all the laundry!

  2. catching up on the last few days. the bra entry was funny. my friend gave me a bag full of bras that became too small for her after her surgery, but would fit me after mine. let's say 8 bras, 6 of them were VS. i've only owned 3 VS bras in my life and none of them would fit me now anyway. I was pretty excited. by the way, tink readers, i am blogging again. it's a little depressing when only 2 people are reading and maybe commenting. hint, hint...
