Monday, July 23, 2007

go team go green

ikea_bags.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

manda over at wannabe is focusing her posts on green week, which got me thinking. so here's what i do to save "mother earth" or rather to be a good steward of what God created for me to spend my days on...

these super swell super cheap ikea bags make grocery shopping eco-friendly {and fashionable, i have the two on the right} and they're super sturdy so i can cram everything in them and still be able to carry it all out to the car. {and i think i paid $1.50 each...}

over the past few years i've started weeding out all the chemicals in our hair care and body care routine. it's all natural soaps and shampoos, hair gels and toothpastes for us. it's a nice feeling knowing you're not ODing on chemicals that can haunt you with illnesses later on in life. and it's not as expensive as you'ld think. most of the stuff lasts twice as long as non-natural products so you're actually saving money.

just recently we also switched over to all natural dish soap and laundry soaps and i love the organic scents. and again, not as expensive as you'ld think. trader joes is a great little store to find reasonable {if not downright cheap} products. we don't have one close so when we visit family we make a stop and stock up. i've got a warehouse of shampoos, soaps and shave gels in our linen closet....


  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I'm with you ont he trader joe's personal care lines. I have used their face washes and soaps, etc for awhile since kiss my face stopped making my favorite face wash.
    The honey mango shave cream is unbelieveable and at only 2$ for a giant tube all the better.

  2. WOOOT! I'm doing a little cheer over here!!!
