Friday, July 13, 2007

and the winner is....

sweetberrypie.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.


which i believe is sarah from the plucky knitter but it could be a whole different sarah so whomever you are email me your addy!

the winner get's one of my very first attempts at jewelry design! i call this sweet berry pie since it looks like yummy blueberries and a strawberry. i'll be sending the necklace in your very own handy holder! so it's two gifts in one. yay. congrats and thanks to everyone who gave it a shot, even yo_mama, who came out of the closet just to win a handbag.


  1. congrats to sarahhhh!

  2. I love the necklace, will those be going in the shop soon?

  3. That is SOOO cute. You need to make more.

    Sarah LUFFS jewelry. She'll freak out! And she needs a pick me up today so this is perfect. :)

  4. Anonymous11:19 AM

    hmm. i hadn't thought about selling them but maybe i will, i have some more beads coming today in the mail...

  5. I'm sooo disappointed.

    what I did is not called "coming out of the closet," is it?

  6. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I WON!!!!!! HOW EXCITING!!! It's gorgeous!

    Thank you so much!

  7. Anonymous2:36 PM


    if you won it, kept it for yourself and wore it, then yes, that would be out of the closet. but if you gave it to your lovely wife who's carrying your first born man-child, not out of the closet. still very much in the closet.

  8. Oh! I love to see Yo Mama getting out, especially for jewelry! Sixbit says that based on your modeling photos, Yo, that you came out of the closet long ago.

    Pinky says, that might be a little harsh of Sixbit!!!

    Tink - love your FIRST attempt. you are such an inspiration with your crafting!
