Friday, June 15, 2007


me_sidenose.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

the new nose. granted, it's still very swollen {and will be for a few weeks} and thus looks really long, but i really love it. and i can already breathe so much better. and my nostril stays open! no more collapsing. and look at how straight it is! right-o. was it worth it? yeah, sure, the best part: it's over...


  1. seriously, it looks SO good! beautiful!

  2. nice nose, can i have it? mine sticks up...

  3. You look great! Beautiful.

  4. looks good, but i miss your old nose. the end.

  5. Beautious. I need a front shot...

  6. i told you.
    still beautiful.
    now tweaked.
    and so glad it's over.

  7. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Thanks for posting this! I googled "Swollen after nose job" and this is one that came up. I am having the exact same thing done at the end of the month - deviated septum plus some cosmetic tweaks while he is in there. I just wanted to know what the bandages/bruises/and swolleness looked like! Yours looks great! Very helpful for what I was looking for.

  8. Thank you for posting this. I too am having this exact same surgery on the 29th of Aug. I'm more than a little nervous, but this is the first time I'm actually looking forward to having surgery. I can't wait to breathe again! Thanks again for posting your story and pictures! You've been a blessing
