Friday, June 29, 2007

stick it to 'em

pincushion.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

a little useful fun with some useless scraps.

my friend just got some ked flip flops with black and white polka dots {identical to my gretta bag} and i must must must have them, so i'll see if i can track them down later today, hopefully they have my size! because i need more shoes. no really, 42 pair is not enough.


  1. i hope you're kidding about 42 pairs of shoes.

  2. Anonymous10:30 AM

    probably not. i have shoes all over my house. i need to really go through them and get rid of some {ok, lots}, size 7 anyone...

  3. That's called a shoe FETISH.

    I won't out the number in public...but I used to have a lot more than that. Ehem.

  4. Anonymous2:10 PM

    i don't think flip flops should count as shoes anyway... i mean, when you wear them they count, but when you're actually "counting shoes" they shouldn't count.
