Wednesday, June 06, 2007

crap for rent

i made the mistake of watching one of my surgery-rentals last night. and by mistake, i mean, not the fact that a shiny fun new movie won't be waiting for me tomorrow afternoon, but the mistake of not watching it while completely drugged up and possibly not even remembering the two hours that is Catch&Release.

*warning: cheesy pun to follow* if you were to ever "catch" this movie, immediately "release" it and save yourself the misery. if the goal of the screenwriter was to create several characters that no one would ever like, than he was spot-on. bravo mr. hollywood screenwriter, i hated everyone in the movie {with the exception of kevin smith who i'm giving the benefit of the doubt was actually high when he signed the contract}. i even hated the dead guy. i should have felt bad that he tragically died in the prime of his life, but i didn't. sorry dead dude.

just to give you an idea of the caliber of this movie, check this out: garner's character's name is grey. when she asks her booty-call what his favorite color is, he aptly responds, "grey". dork.

if you're looking for a disfunctional tragic waste of two hours of your life, rent this movie.


  1. you know, i make it a habit to not watch jennifer garner i never had any desire to see catch & release. she's probably one of my least favorite people in hollywood.

  2. Just fabulass. Wouldn't you know that is on top of the TV waiting for me...right alongside the ridiculously horrible film that is Music & Lyrics. 2 for 2 crap flicks this week. Fabu.

  3. Anonymous10:49 AM

    music and lyrics is on it's netflix way. i'll make sure to watch it immediately when i get home, so it's horribleness won't be engrained in my head.

  4. this is how i felt about The Holiday. there was no point.

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    this is pretty much how i felt after renting The Last Kiss. Big mistake.
    I should write Zach and ask him for that 2 hours back of my life. The writting on this movie too didn't have anything redeemable about it and zach's character was THE WORST.

  6. Anonymous1:02 PM

    i actually have that one on request with the library. maybe i'll cancel it....

  7. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Thanks for saving me two hours....

  8. tink, i was gonna say when you asked for movie suggestions a while back, not to waste your time on the last kiss. i was very disappointed.

  9. Anonymous3:28 PM

    ditto on the holiday looooong boring crap movie

  10. i think sara liked the last kiss?

  11. Anonymous5:13 PM

    but she's super in love with zach braff, isn't she?

  12. I liked The Last Kiss too. But I like ZB and his indie films too. Oh and the soundtrack is TO.DIE.FOR. Rewatch it.

  13. sad.
    i love 13 going on 30
    i thought the holiday was good. not all sight gags or gratuitous sex. and music and lyrics was fun. hugh grant in tight pants like a has-been pop star - hilarious. give it a chance before deciding. reading pride and prejudice right now - so good, can't wait to see the colin firth 6 hour one.

  14. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I liked the Holiday AND Music and Lyrics.. "you look mad, click your pen again!" Good Stuff. But Catch and Release was the worst spend 3.59 dollars of my life. I was in such a horrible mood by the time it was done! However, Because I Said So was a fairly decent chick flick so you might have your hubby pick that up for you while you're resting! Feel Better!!

