Thursday, June 14, 2007

ah, surgery

cheri_surgery.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

so i had rhinoplasty for those readers who don't know what the heck is going on. i had a deviated septum along with some swollen something or others internally that were causing less airflow. plus, i decided to have some cosmetic work done while they were in there.

so here's a photo from pre-op in my room. the nurse tried to get an IV through my hand. hello. i have the smallest hands known to an adult human being. since that didn't work, duh, she had to try again in the arm. so now my hand's bruised. oh well. i was so nervous at this point. so. nervous.

the next photo is after the surgery, immediately after. i had a hard time coming out of the anesthesia, they were pumping me full of drugs to keep me from getting sick and i was in the room longer than anticipated so they had to go tell my husband. finally i woke up {yeah sure} and they moved me to my room. look at the size of my lips! my entire face was swollen, as you can see in the next photo of me chillin' on my couch. this is where i spent most of the next week.

more to come...

{PS: i've missed you all!}


  1. the surgery pics are great and all, but i think we need to see these freakishly small hands!

    ps - glad you're back. can't wait to see the new nose!

  2. You also have a freakishly small body...hate to tell you (oooozzzing with jealously).

    I'm glad you are back. Those pics remind me why no matter how droopy my post nursing boobs get, why I will never go under the knife...even though not being about to lose the remote under them would be nice.

    Can't wait to see the finished product. ;)

  3. Not being ABLE I mean. Hello, need coffee.

  4. Oh, our sweet Cheri is back! Yay!

  5. Anonymous12:46 PM

    haha those pictures are great! i love that accesory that goes around your ears...

  6. Anonymous1:16 PM

    oh that thing was to catch all the blood and ooze. tasty, eh? i only had to wear it the first couple of days.

  7. Anonymous1:34 PM

    OH MY! So glad you are back with us. Speaking from experience (I had a rhinoplasty when I was 16 - oy the pain).

    You have my sympathies.....

    : )

  8. makes me want to get cut open again.


    hello, its 1991 again. i'm also going to start saying sike.

  9. Anonymous10:11 PM

    solidarity, sister!!
    to me, mine was totally worth it. even the punctured lung.
    but only cause the drugs made me forget about that first week.
    you're such a pretty zombie-face.

  10. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I was researching Deviated Septum surgeries because Im probably going to have to have one this coming spring and your picture came up and so far you're the only person whose had it that I can get in touch with. Im very nervous about the pain and the experience. Anything you can tell me? What to expect? Best way to manage pain? How much pain?

    Thank You!
