Tuesday, April 17, 2007

ugh. ick. blah. yuck.

springnot.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

so basically yesterday as a whole was a crapfest. i bought these cute little shoes last week in hopes of passing crappy weather, but then i woke up to this. having to resurrect the snowboots does not a happy me make. and it's a white out RIGHT now. seriously. seriously?

then i stayed home due to nausea and ended up sleeping the ENTIRE day. i'm not kidding. i went back to sleep after calling into work and woke up at 1, then managed to take two 2-hr naps. needless to say falling asleep lastnight was difficult. and on top of all that i got some really sad news from a friend late lastnight. really life changing sad for him. it makes me hurt when my friends hurt.

so on the only positive note i have, i got three of your card swaps and i plan on finally listening to two of the CDs. loved all the cards, you guys really got into this and it makes me happy to see your funky creations. i've been running out to the mailbox every day this past week just to see if they're here yet. oh, and i made my very first sale on etsy! and i got a check {finally} from cafepress, it's slow going on that stuff and i only make a couple of dollars on each item BUT with that check i'll be buying some more shirts to stamp. i'm thinking tanks for summer. if anyone's interested in a custom order tell me now and i'll pick up your size! sorry i took a wee little break there but as you see, it's been a total letdown around here...tomorrow i'll show pics of our weekend project...

PS: i'm currently scheduling my rhinoplasty {sp?} for june! yay for finally breathing right!


  1. yeah, breathing right. and i'm doing it so my shirts will fit right. medically necessary. absolutely.

  2. Maybe you're pregnant. :)

    Hope you feel better soon.

    I want mediums.

  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

    hey, if i'm going to do a medically necessary procedure, i might as well get something pretty and fun out of it right?

  4. Anonymous3:33 PM


    hold your tongue!

    and i got you a medium today. i hope you like seafoam green. or thereabouts.

    PS: my shirt just got dried and didn't shrink?? maybe you're husband put the dryer on way-hot-belly-shirt-making temperature.

  5. Anonymous3:34 PM

    those are really cute green shoes... i'm sending out my card packages soon, i know i'm a slacker, but i ran out of blank cds...

  6. Anonymous6:12 PM

    "way-hot-belly-shirt-making temperature"

    This is why i love my cousin
