Friday, April 27, 2007

friday faves: handmade goodness

aiden_project.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

here's a little baby gift i made for a friend lately. it's not necessarily my taste but it matches her taste and the babies room exactly so it was nice to hear when i gave it to her. it's great to make something cute for someone and have them absolutely love it.

speaking of handmade love, i bought this little cutie on etsy today!


  1. i made my biggest purchase yet on etsy this week. i'll def be posting pictures as soon as i get everything.

  2. Anonymous12:44 PM

    scrabble letter jewelry- some people are genius!

  3. fix my oven!
    the cookies won't bake!

  4. Very sweet! Although I don't know that I could create something that wasn't my taste. I'd feel conflicted.

  5. Anonymous4:49 PM

    if my final card swap package would arrive already i would start posting pics of all that handmade goodness!

  6. Anonymous6:41 PM

    awww crap! i sent it last week! where is it?
