Thursday, February 15, 2007

holy. snow.

home_snow_sm.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

so yesterday i took a voluntary snow day. the middle photo was taken two days ago, the bottom one this morning. we've literally been DUMPed on. a big snowy pile of poo. but with all our snowed-in time we finished a few projects. the bathroom shelves are 95% done, since they're missing a piece of wood molding thanks to my inability to measure properly while in a home depot. next, we hung the shelves for the laundry room, finished the CD organization and even rearranged the kitchen a bit after i washed the floor. it was a productive day even if we were both at each other's throats. i guess two straight days of snow can do that to a person.


  1. you have such a beautiful house, with or without snow!

  2. OOO, Tink, your house is purty!

  3. Anonymous8:27 PM

    how cute, I can't even get out of my house to take a pic. See ya'll in the spring!!

  4. I can't get over how nice and green your grass was in the summer.

  5. Anonymous2:32 PM

    thanks! although i alter most of my pics in photoshop, so it might not actually be that green...
