Monday, February 12, 2007

{btw, i heart my ishuffle}

day one of waking up butt-crack early to get to the gym. it's so hard to roll out of that warm toasty bed and face the 5 degree temps outside in the dark, BUT now that i did, i have the entire night to get things done. {notice the excitement in my lack of punctuation.} on the list: eat dinner sometime before 7pm, spackle and paint the bathroom shelves, trip to home improvement store, organize cd collection into logical orderly books {instead of messy illogical stacks scattered around the house}, bake delicious treats for vday at work and vacuum. loads of fun. this is what being a grown-up is all about people.


  1. I'll come vacuum for you. I heart vacuuming. My Dyson gets daily exercise.

  2. Anonymous3:44 PM

    i wish i had a dyson. and time to vacuum every day.

  3. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I wish I had a Roomba

  4. Dude. Vacuuming takes 5 minutes. Everyone has 5 minutes. You would have 5 minutes if you had 2 cats and a toddler. Yeah.
