Thursday, February 08, 2007

and in the news...

anna nichole smith died today. sure, she was a walking disaster, but still, it's sad. poor little baby that she just had. they don't even know who the dad is?! who's going to raise the poor kid? i wonder how long until E! airs her TrueHollywoodStory? what if this is TrimSpa's fault? it's something to think about.

in other news, we made the front page of! well, until the above mentioned breaking news story pushed us to the sidebar. upstate new york gets hammered with lake-effect snows! yep, that's us. except we're about 30 miles south of the lake which means we lucked out and haven't been hit as bad as the towns the article talks about. they got 5 feet, we have a couple i'ld say. it's been non-stop snow all day long. our landscaping at home is completely covered and good luck finding the path to our front door. ah such is winter. 14 days until florida!

1 comment:

  1. i'm very suspicious of howard. i have been ever since daniel's death. i guess we'll see what happens in the coming months. i do think it's one of the saddest stories. poor baby!
