Wednesday, January 31, 2007

stock photography and sunshine

so i'm going to tell you all something even though my better judgement tells me i shouldn't. because usually i get excited about something but then it turns out to be nothing special and i'm left feeling like a failure open to scorn. BUT i'll tell you anyway. tonight i uploaded 10 photos to an online national photo vendor. the problem is, i have to get at least 4 approved in order to have my account accepted. in other words, if i don't get at least 4 accepted, i'll be wondering if the menial profit is really worth it. and it's only profit if people keep downloading your photo. SO unless it's great, i won't be making enough money to even see a check each month. i don't know, i'm nervous, but i thought what the heck, right?

also, i reserved a ticket to florida! for next month! or this month technically. i'll be staying with a friend outside of tampa. i'm so totally thrilled about this because as i'm sitting here fumbling around on this keyboard I. Am. Shivering. literally. my hands are ice cold and i'm tempted to forgo the laundry and the dishes and just run upstairs to the bathtub. i. hate. winter.


  1. Crossing my fingers for you!

    Have fun in Florida. My best friend lives in Lakeland outside of Tampa and I talked to her the other day...she said it was in the 70s!

  2. i'm so jealous that you're going to florida! so i'm a nerd, and i just checked the temp where you are, and where i am, and it's pretty much the same (we're 2 degrees warmer). this is my coldest winter ever, and i hate it! why do people live in places like this? why?

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    wow. i just checked this morning and all 10 photos were rejected....sheesh.

    can't wait for florida!

  4. i'd like to see what 10 you sent.
    btw... don't get too discouraged. in fact... if you ask me, you could consider the fact that a commercial stock photo dumping station doesn't want your stuff... as a COMPLIMENT. it means it may have some artistic merit! GO TINKER!!

  5. Anonymous12:11 PM

    haha. thanks jolly! actually, almost all of them were rejected for technical aspects, noise and white balance. and that's where i DO lack is in the technical part of it. {plus i really should be shooting in RAW which i haven't messed with yet...}

    BUT i will be photographing krista's kids when i get to fl, so all is good. that's more fun to do anyway...

  6. ok... so u stink. i hear u make a mean turkey burger though.......

  7. Anonymous1:38 PM

    i just had those the other night! killer man killer.
