Wednesday, January 24, 2007

is getting tagged like getting a forward?

either way, here's 6 strange things about me as tagged by sara.

1} i had a dream once that i was godzilla, tearing apart a village because i was having a heart attack. i didn't really want to destroy the village, it was uncontrollable kicking and tossing and throwing. i felt really bad but the villagers didn't understand dinosaur language.

2} i like prunes. i just do. whenever i see them in the store i think 'man, i wish i was forty years older so i could just buy those'.

3} i get giddy when i see a Target open up. in fact i'm ecstatic that they're opening one {possibly a greatland to rival the w-mart supercenter across the street} about 3 minutes from me this year...

4} i dream about losing or forgetting my camera ALL THE TIME.

5} i have a sweater fetish. must. buy. more.

6} i get so cold in the winter that sometimes i get angry or cry about it.

i'm tagging kelly, sydlowskiiii, jen {because then maybe she'll actually start her reading reviews blog} and jolly {even though i'm pretty sure he doesn't have a blog}. happy forwarding.


  1. Who doesn't get giddy when a new Target opens up? Now, that would be weird.

  2. yeah... no blog... maybe i should start one.....

    "the canuckian"

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    you should get right on that.
