Friday, December 08, 2006

and the weiner is...

wannabe! for including both 'nuts' and 'gay' in a poem about fall. that was a pretty weak turnout people. i guess picking numbers is much easier. BUT i couldn't ignore the effort of cool peeps just to give you all the chance at some sweet junk. so nothing free for lazy people!

amanda, you can expect your box to go out this saturday morning along with some other fun stuff for some other fun people, and the christmas gifts to my nieces of course. but you're only getting the box. i'm pretty sure my nieces would cry if i sent their presents to you.


  1. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I'm a weiner. I'm a weiner. Nahneenahneenahnah! YEAHOO! Off to email you my addy! :)

  2. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Manda is such a weiner, really. Yay!

  3. Anonymous6:05 PM

    i could have told you manda was a weiner without a contest.

  4. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Thanks for the support weiners.
